Animal Burrows In Your Yard

Animal burrows in your yard can lead to various issues, including landscape damage and potential hazards. Understanding the signs of animal burrows and implementing effective solutions is crucial for maintaining a safe and well-maintained outdoor space. In this blog post, we will explore the signs of animal burrows and provide practical solutions to address the problem and prevent further damage.

Recognizing Signs of Animal Burrows

Identifying signs of animal burrows is the first step in addressing the issue. We’ll discuss common indicators such as mounds of soil, tunnel openings, and visible tracks or pathways. Understanding these signs will help you determine the presence of burrowing animals and take appropriate action.

  • Holes leading into the ground at an angle are a typical entrance to an animal burrow or warren.
  • Trails that criss cross grassy areas are usually signs that there is an animal burrow nearby. Most burrow animals don’t like to be outside of the protection of their burrows for long.            
  • Mounds of dirt are the most obvious signs of a pest infestation that can become dangerous to humans, and animals as well as cause damage to equipment.

Types of Animals that Create Burrows

Different animals create burrows for various reasons. We’ll explore the behavior and habitat preferences of animals commonly associated with burrowing, such as groundhogs, rabbits, and gophers. Understanding the specific animal species involved will guide you in choosing the most effective solutions.

Problems Caused by Animal Burrows

Animal burrows can lead to a range of problems, including weakened soil structure, tripping hazards, and damage to plants or underground utilities. We’ll discuss these issues in detail, highlighting the importance of addressing animal burrows promptly to prevent further damage and potential dangers.


Solutions for Animal Burrows

Effective solutions for animal burrows depend on the specific animals involved. We’ll provide practical strategies, including:

  • Exclusion methods: Implementing barriers, fencing, or wire mesh to prevent animals from accessing your yard.
  • Humane trapping and relocation: Employing live traps to capture and safely relocate burrowing animals to suitable habitats. 
  • Habitat modification: Making your yard less appealing to burrowing animals by removing food sources, keeping vegetation trimmed, and managing moisture levels.

Don't Let Burrows Bother you!

Don’t wait! Contact us now for your free estimate! Got Gophers has years of professional experience dealing with animal burrows. Let us help you reclaim your yard and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a burrow-free lawn.