Pest Season
Spring has arrived.
The birds are singing, the skies are warming, and the sun is coming out. Sunshine and birds are not the only things increasing their presence in our cities and neighborhoods.
Springtime pests are coming out too, and in surprising numbers.
Got Gophers has noticed a troubling trend for critters such as gophers, moles, and ground squirrels over the years:
These creatures are mating earlier due to warmer and shorter winters.
Litter size for all three species of pest has grown in both size and frequency. What used to be 2-3 pups per litter once a year has become 4-6 pups with 2-3 breeding cycles throughout the year.
It is hard for most of us to notice this change in pest behavior as we spend more time indoors during the winter months. When the spring and summer months begin, we see the impact and then call to have our pest situations dealt with.
Contacting Got Gophers at the first sighting of gopher or mole mounds, ground squirrel burrows, or pest damage is crucial to cutting off the possibility of serious infestation. Otherwise the situation can rapidly get out of control.