All About Moles: Understanding the Mole Animal and Its Behavior


Welcome to Got Gopher’s informative blog post dedicated to understanding the mole animal and its behavior. Moles are fascinating creatures that play a crucial role in our ecosystem. However, their underground activities can sometimes lead to issues in our lawns and gardens. In this article, we will delve into the world of moles, exploring their characteristics, habits, and how to peacefully coexist with these unique mammals.


The Life of a Mole

Moles belong to the family Talpidae and are small, burrowing mammals known for their subterranean lifestyle. They have adapted to live primarily underground, where they construct a network of tunnels and burrows. These intricate tunnel systems serve various purposes, including foraging, nesting, and protection from predators.

Mole Anatomy and Adaptations

Understanding the physical attributes of moles provides insights into their remarkable adaptations. From their cylindrical bodies to their velvety fur, moles possess features that aid in their subterranean lifestyle. Their powerful front limbs and broad paws, equipped with sharp claws, enable efficient digging and tunneling through various soil types.

Mole Behavior and Diet

Moles are primarily insectivores, feeding on a diet rich in earthworms, insects, grubs, and small invertebrates found in the soil. They have an incredible appetite, consuming up to 70-100% of their body weight in food each day. Their constant search for food leads to the creation of molehills and raised surface runways as they tunnel through the earth.


Environmental Impact of Moles

Despite occasional conflicts with human activities, moles contribute to the ecosystem in several ways. Their tunneling behavior improves soil aeration, enhances water drainage, and promotes nutrient circulation. Additionally, their consumption of soil-dwelling pests helps control populations of harmful insects and grubs.

Coexistence and Mole Control

While moles are essential for ecological balance, their activities can be problematic when they disrupt lawns and gardens. If mole activity becomes a concern, there are several methods for managing mole populations. These include exclusion techniques, deterrents, and targeted trapping by professional pest control services.